Welcome to Seven Sister Masjid
The mosque at the ground floor of the centre is under the management of the GMWC Executive Committee. The Mosque is run purely on non-sectarian and non-denominational basis. The Mosque works on the principle that “mosques are for Allah and for His worship alone”. This Mosque is for the worship of all Muslims from all backgrounds, race, colour, sects and denominations. It welcomes all peaceful worshippers who abide by the Mosque’s regulations.

History of the Mosque
The Mosque was founded in 2005. The place was used as cafe and a place where people gather for other activities. Upon acquisition of the tenancy agreement from the existing tenant, the youth and elders of the Community came together and cleared the place up, washed and painted it to the standard good enough for prayers. Within the same week the first Jumu’ah prayers was observed there. Prior to the discovery of the centre, the community had a long history of hovering around Haringey from place to place in search of place of worship as the circumstances dictate. Initially, members used to meet in private houses to prayer. They also went to Central Mosque at Baker Street, East London Mosque, Finsbury Park Mosque, and Clyde Road Mosques for Jumu’ah, Eid Fitr and Adha prayers. In order to fulfil the Community long time desire to have their own Mosque and Welfare Centre, many locations within Haringey had been used in the past as places of worship particularly for Friday prayers. For example, Haringey Islamic Community Centre in St. Ann’s Road which was used by Sheikh Abdul-Rahman as children learning centre (Madrasah) was used for Jumu’ah prayers for along time. Broad water Farm Community Centre and Community Parks were also used for Jumu’ah and Eid prayers. These locations proved not to be ideal for five daily prayers due to lack of ablution facilities or overcrowding. Therefore, with the discovery of the present centre at Lawrence Yard, it was a first step in the realisation of the community’s dream. This milestone achievement could not have come about without the hardwork of various groups within the community who played vital role in the build-up to the discovering and during the acquisition of the tenancy of the Centre. Most notably were members of Ghana Muslim Focus Association (GMFA), Muslim Ladies Association of Ghana (MULAG), Ghana Muslim Youth (GMY), some Community elders as well as other individuals in the Community. The Mosque and Muslim Welfare Centre survives purely on the charitable donation of members and worshippers. The running cost has always been kept low due to the sincere voluntary assistance by members and worshippers. The Centre currently pays £1,800 in rent every month, a situation considered as unpleasant but necessary in order to keep the place running for worshippers. Due to lack of funds to purchase the Centre out-right or on an acceptable Islamic arrangement, the monthly rent paid is viewed as waste since it does not guarantee the long-term security of the Centre for the Ummah. Therefore, your advice, help and support for the Centre to secure the venue is most welcome and would be appreciated insha-Allah. For details on how to make a donation please see our donation form or Bank details here. It is interesting to note that when the Mosque was first established on Lawrence Road, there was no single Church there. Now, the Mosque is surrounded by many Evangelical Churches. As a result of the emerging churches on Lawrence Road, it was described recently as ‘Britain’s most religious street’ in a BBC news programme. In view of the strategic location of the Mosque on that street, it is an envious target of the growing Churches. Being the only Mosque on the road, we run the risk of loosing the place to our Christian counterparts or other businesses. If that happens, it will be a very shameful situation on the Ummah and unpleasant in the sight of Allah. We must therefore act to prevent that happening and remember that Allah does not change a situation for people until they are willing to change it themselves. There is an urgent need to purchase this building to secure it permanently for the Ummah and with your generous donations by the Will of Allah, the place would be bought sooner than later. May the Almighty Allah bless you and reward you for your donations and contributions in this noble venture. If you would like to make donation, please click here for the form and other details on how to donate to us. Also, the current state of the building requires tremendous maintenance and up-keep and it is also becoming small to accommodate the increasing numbers of worshippers and other activities especially during Jummuah prayers on Fridays and on Eid Fitr and Adha respectively. Additional facilities for prayers, offices and classrooms are urgently needed to meet current and future generation requirements. Currently, worshippers on Friday fill up every available space both ground and upper floors as well as the court yard and sometimes outside in front of the Mosque. During Eid prayers, we are forced to hold a number of prayer sessions (2 or 3) to accommodate all worshippers. The task ahead is enormous but rewarding and by the grace and will of Allah, together we shall get there as the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built in a day’ and another says ‘A journey of thousand miles begins with a step’. Insha-ALLAH, we have begun building our Rome, and have already made our first step. May Allah fulfil it for us all and accept our efforts in this journey. Ameen!